Saturday, 9 May 2009

Building a CMS with CakePHP 1.2

Building a CMS with CakePHP 1.2

This course is a fun and interesting look at the CakePHP 1.2 Framework. By the end you'll have created a simple CMS that you will be able to extend and improve. We build Controllers, Models, Views, Helpers, Components and Behaviors all on camera.

In the first 4 lessons we study CakePHP by following Study Guides. These are not your typical Study Guides... you will see Austin Powers, Boobies, Skeletor and other funny things. We use analogies and story telling to help build a database of information in your mind quickly and easily.

The last 4 lessons are very practical and high intensity. This is where we code the CMS and follow a treasure map to find Curley's Golden Chickens. If you are stuggling with CakePHP and things are just not sinking in then this is the course for you. It's fun and highly detailed.

Installing CakePHP, MVC , Bake Tool, Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layouts, View Templates, Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool, Validation, Behaviours, CakePHP OOP, Components, Routing, Dry Controller, Create RedirectComponent, Create RecordingComponent, Create CookieHelper, Creating RecordingHelper, Create TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext and Multiple Tag Search, Create TypeableBehavior, Creating AttachableBehavior and much more!

Application demo:


The source code is saved at the end of each lesson, It comes with the videos.

  • Bonus Lesson Installing cakePHP
  • Lesson 01 - MVC and Bake Tool
  • Lesson 02 - Migrations, Schema Tool, Associations, Layouts and View Templates
  • Lesson 03 - Elements, CRUD, Helpers, Interactive Tool and Validation
  • Lesson 04 - Behaviours, CakePHP OOP, Components and Routing
  • Lesson 05 - Dry Controller, Create RedirectComponent, Create RecordingComponent, Create CookieHelper and Creating RecordingHelper
  • Lesson 06 - Create TaggableBehavior, Create TaggableHelper, Create Fulltext and Multiple Tag Search
  • Lesson 07 - Create TypeableBehavior and AttachableBehavior
  • Lesson 08 - Putting the CMS Together

Building a CMS with CakePHP 1.2
CakePHP Online Training Download


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